Sunday, March 21, 2010

I See You.

Sunday nights are often my favorite part of the weekend. I'm fully relaxed from the last couple days and have most things in order for the coming week. It feels like a fresh start, like I'll soon step out with my best foot forward. 

The calm of this weekend did wonders to a growing state of rush-hour. For two weeks I've sensed a sob session developing down deep. Ladies, you know what I mean. You just need to cry, and for no reason. No questions, please. After church today I kicked off my heels and plopped on the couch to read my church's magazine. The first article I opened to was the final crack in the dam. It was a short piece entitled "Invisible People" and it challenged me to notice and care about the everyday people that so often fly under our radar. Think about your neighbor, your grocer, your waitress. THEN the writer had to play this card: what about those people you see every day that have become so commonplace, you hardly pay any special attention to them? Your spouse, your little sister, your roommate, an old friend. Two specific people came to mind immediately, and then came the tears. 

These people yearn for acknowledgement. They ache for your love, for your attention. They want to know that you think they are important. Why is this so hard to do? Perhaps we are looking for this very same thing ourselves. Perhaps we don't want to give what they crave for fear of not receiving it in return. Maybe you really don't care and you're just waiting for the world to finally realize that you've arrived so they can stop worrying about themselves and start worrying about you...

The writer included Matthew 20:26-28, which says this, "but whoever desires to become great among you, let him be your servant. And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave -- just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many." My heart was paying attention now. I almost frantically turned to Philippians and read verse after verse of Paul's loving words for his readers. "...It is my prayer that your love may abound more and more...and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ..." and "...I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith...", "Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ..." and our favorite humility verse, "In humility count others more significant than yourselves."

This is a strong case for an intentional life, because these selfless attitudes don't just happen. We all know that. Today was a milestone on my journey Home, and I'm a few tears lighter because of it. 


  1. Well written post. May our Lord continue to shine through you. God bless, Lloyd

  2. i really really loved this. it's been on my mind lately too. thanks for writing anna! :)

  3. Can't wait to catch up with you soon!

  4. Hello Anna,

    Your blog has been recommended to us as a interviewee's favorite blog!

    We would like to do an interview with you about your blog for Blog Interviewer. We'd like to give you the opportunity to give us some insight on the "person behind the blog."

    It would just take a few minutes of your time. The interview form can be submitted online here Submit your interview.

    Best regards,

    Mike Thomas

  5. Your blog is really good. I am new to blogging - passing by a few other blogs to see if mine looks "right"

    I only have one follower :( -lol-... maybe I need to write better. :)
